Key Dates For Filing And Paying Taxes in Ireland
If you are starting a business or already in business, you need to know the key dates for filing and paying taxes in Ireland and for making returns to Below are some of the key dates.
There are lots of dates for different filings but from our years of experience, we have picked the most important ones here.
When do you file and pay PAYE?
For those who are paying either part-time or full-time staff, PAYE will be a key return to make every month. PAYE has to be filed and returned by the 14th of each month for the previous month’s pay and payment must be made by the 23rd of each month.
The 23rd of April, July, October, and January of next year are also key dates as they are the dates when quarterly PAYE payments should be made by ROS online users.
What are the key dates for VAT payment in Ireland?
VAT is another key part of all businesses and returns should be filed and paid on a bi-monthly basis in Ireland.
For some companies, VAT can be paid on a 4-month basis or every six months.
There is some uniformity in dates with the 19th of the month after your bi-monthly period (it’s also the 19th after 4-month and bi-annual) being the day of the month to file returns.
A VAT Return of Trading Details (RTD) should be completed annually. The form must include total purchases and sales for the year which displays each by the VAT rate. This form should be submitted by the 19th of the month after the end of your accounting period.
Corporation Tax
Corporation tax dates are another key area for all businesses, no matter what size, to be aware of.
Companies have almost nine months to file and pay their Corporation Tax so the filing date for those whose accounting period finished on the 30th of April 2022 would be January 23, 2023. See the table below.
You can also check these out here
1/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with accounting period ending 30/04/22 |
4/30/2022 |
2/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/05/22 |
5/31/2022 |
3/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 30/06/22 |
6/30/2022 |
4/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/07/22 |
7/31/2022 |
5/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/08/22 |
8/31/2022 |
6/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 30/09/22 |
9/30/2022 |
7/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/10/22 |
10/31/2022 |
8/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 30/11/22 |
11/30/2022 |
9/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/12/22 |
12/31/2022 |
10/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/01/23 |
1/31/2023 |
11/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with accounting period ending 28/02/23 |
2/28/2023 |
12/23/2023 |
file and pay CT for companies with an accounting period ending 31/03/23 |
3/31/2023 |
If you have any questions about key dates for filing and paying taxes, feel free to contact our expert management accountants on
Cork: +353 (0) 21 242 7950
Dublin: +353 (0) 1 531 0303
or email [email protected]